Monday 17 February 2014

Empower Networks training & coaching programme is just wonderful, one of them is the $15k formula, this teaches the strategy required to build an online income of $15k monthly (minimum). In one of the sections, Dave Wood talks about being sensory specific when setting your goals and acting as if you have already achieved them, for example lets says your goal is to earn $15k by 28th February 2014, the sensory specific goal would be written as follows: Today is the 28TH of February 2014, I am sitting in my office on my black leather chair, as I look outside the window it is overcast, it’s a cold outside, my office is warm and I have a hot cup of tea, the lovely steam hovers over it, I can smell the lovely aroma and as I taste it I feel the lovely warmth in my mouth, it’s just wonderful.
As I open my black lap top and switch it on, I have an air of expectancy, I log onto my empower network account, & I now check the commissions and notice that I have earned an extra $6000 dollars, I feel successful, happy and congruent, I am so pleased that I worked so persistently at the times of challenge, I am achieving my small goals every day & I celebrate this fact by taking my family out for dinner. The Empower system is helping me achieve my goal of freedom, I am taking massive action”.
This just a snippet of the action from the $15k formula, it’s just a taste, some people set huge unrealistic goals but do not have the specific daily actions organised, it can be a little bit of trial and error or guestimations, a lack of clarity can then mean overwhelm and burnout. Clarity leads to power & laser like focus to help you achieve your goals. For example a financial goal maybe to earn $15k a month, so if $15k is divided by 30 calendar days, this involves  earning $500 per day, now earning $500 per day within Empower can mean selling one product, yes one product a day, easy peasy! Now you can plan your day, what strategies do I need? How many calls/e mails etc? You get the drift, your task becomes easier.
When you use your visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory & gustatory skills in planning a goals, it’s more realistic and feels right, for further information, please visit the website
Empower Network has trained and coached thousands of people reach their financial and time freedom goals & through the programmes that they offer, its massive learning & an opportunity to earn a hundred per cent commissions on the products that you use too.. You can start by clicking on this link, . You must have belief in yourself and persistently take massive action.
You deserve success, it’s your right.
Javez Khan

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